Just a day in my life.

Everday Girl... completely obsessed with her dog.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The year 2011

Well guys I decided to start a blog for 2012!!!

2011 was wonderful for me. I moved back home and started my first semester of Nursing school. I have a wonderful boyfriend and great friends and family. I also have a precious Maltese named Gracie. She is pretty much my child. She acts human and of course, is treated as such.

In about a week I start my second semester of Nursing school. Im really nervous about this. I will try and keep up to date on here about it. I hope the next 3 semesters fly by.

2012 has a lot of amazing things in store for me. One of my best best friends is getting married in June and I am her Maid of Honor. I could not be happier for her!

I guess 2012 is the year for weddings, not only is my best friend getting married but another of my good friends will be tying the knot in March and Eric's sister in July!

One thing Im most excited about is going to New York City with my family in June. I have been once before in High School but I hate to say I didn't pay much attention. I am so excited to go back and spend a full week walking in the city.

Well thats all for now, Still not really sure how this whole blog thing works :)

Sara Elizabeth